Love this. There are many things I think I can't do, but just need to push myself towards. My version of "the hill" is Kundalini practice.

Kundalini yoga, for me, does an exceptionally good job at pushing you just beyond the point where you want to give up. You push your breath into unnatural states, you hit positions over and over again that feel impossible to do for even another 10 seconds, you're encouraged to hold your breath for long periods of time. It's like the positions and breath structures are meant to activate your nervous system so you can learn how to regulate it. Every single kriya, I'm always like "Oh no. I don't think I can finish this one. I'm going to be the first person that has ever passed out from not being able to finish this exact kriya."

But then, I finish the kriya. And I'm like, "huh. I really can literally do anything I set my mind to."

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I loooove this reflection, thanks sooo much for sharing! Like I said to Tobi, I literally ran out of time last night to write something from the week so I shared this piece instead. Glad it resonates <3

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I became a “cycler” last year living in hilly San Francisco and I’ve done this same thing a hundred times. The route back to my house hadsa pretty steep incline which sucks to ride over-- especially after playing two hours of soccer and biking 30 min across town. But like you, I learned to look down and focus on “right foot, left foot” and surprise surprise, that managed to propel me over the hill. Time and time again. Very relatable

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Thanks for sharing this resonance. it makes me so happy because I’ve been soo busy and exhausted lately when it was twenty mins before midnight, I had to make a quick decision on what to share in my Wednesday newsletter. I’d been working on this piece for a few weeks and thought ok this one rather than nothing.

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Such a great piece, Caryn! Whether it's taking one step up a hill, writing one sentence in an essay draft, or applying one brushstroke to a new canvas, everything we do is a work in progress until it's done. :)

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Agree! So easy to forget that.

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What about the ride downhill at the end of a session at the studio? Do you soar? I bet you do! xo

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haha I loveeee you for asking. Yes I glow as I soar down the hill home, joyful with my heart full xx

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